Posted by SUN32LEN on Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Actually, if only we did not want to get married should know the definition of marriage. The important thing is to know the terms and Rukum a marriage that is valid. But for you who want to learn a marriage problem then inevitably you have to know the definition of marriage in Islam.

Definition of Marriage
Definition of Marriage In Islam I read from some Shafi'i fiqh schools as in the book of Imam Rofi'i Mughni Muhtaj work. For those of you who want to refer to his book directly please open the Kitabun marriage.
In Islam, the notion of marriage seen from the viewpoint sua marriage is understanding language and understanding of the term marriage. Mean marriage is the meaning of marriage in the language desired by the language. While the intent is the meaning of the term marriage that has been designed by scholars.
Definition of marriage or marriage in language is collected and fused. Meanwhile, according to the terms is an agreement that contains the permissibility intercourse with pronunciation inkah or tazwij or translation.
The same meaning is also conveyed by Imam Romli in the book Nihayatul Muhtaj. He said:
النكاح هو لغة: الضم والوطء, وشرعا: عقد يتضمن إباحة وطء باللفظ الآتي
Meaning: "linguistically meaningful marriage together. While the terms of the contract containing the permissibility meaningful intercourse using the pronunciation of (certain) that will come (explain-ed). "
While large Indonesian dictionary described the sense of marriage is a contract or binding done in accordance with the provisions of law and religion. While the definition of marriage is <1> it (act) marriage; <2> marriage ceremony.
Legal Marriage
Indeed disyareatkan marriage with the argument of the Quran and hadith. Regarding the law of the scholars disagree whether mandatory or jawaz.
According to the Shafi'i schools, law marriage is jawaz. This opinion is a famous opinion in Hanbali schools unless someone hawatir adulterous marriage then the law becomes mandatory.
Dawud Azhohiri has another opinion. He said the marriage law is required lifelong marriages once. {Imam Nawawi; Majmu 'Syarah Muhadzdzab}
In the book Fath Qorib explained that the law of marriage is sunnah for people who need it and have a fee for dowry and nafaqoh. And if it does not have a fee then it is sunnah married.
The same thing is also described in the book IQNA '. There are described:
والنكاح مباح وهو مستحب لمن احتاج إليه وتركه أفضل لمن استغنى عنه
Meaning: "The law of marriage is permissible / jawaz. But the law of marriage be sunna for those who need it. And for those who do not need a marriage then it is more important is to leave the marriage / not marriage.
Imam Nawawi in the book Minhajuth Tholibin has an explanation that is simple and easy to understand about the law of marriage. He said:
النكاح هو مستحب لمحتاج إليه يجد أهبته, فإن فقدها استحب تركه, ويكسر شهوته بالصوم, فإن لم يحتج كره إن فقد الأهبة, وإلا فلا لكن العبادة أفضل. قلت: فإن لم يتعبد فالنكاح أفضل في الأصح, فإن وجد الأهبة وبه علة كهرم أو مرض دائم أو تعنين كره, والله أعلم.
Meaning: sunna legal marriage for those who need it and have a cost. If it does not have a fee then it is sunnah to leave (read: delay) marriage and break down (read: eliminate) lust or desires by fasting.
If the marriage does not require the dimakruhkan married if they have no costs. If it has cost then not makruh but turn to more mainstream worship.
I (Read: Imam Nawawi) say: If it does not turn to worship then married more mainstream in the opinion of the ashoh. However the costs if they have suffered as senile, prolonged illness or ipotensi then legally married is makruh.
In conclusion: The law of marriage is basically permissible or Jawaz. But legally married turned into sunna for you who want to get married and have a cost. And when you hawatir adultery law marriage then becomes mandatory. If you just want to get married but do not have the cost of the marriage law turned into Makruh and sunnah to delay marriage. Similarly, if someone has a cost, but he suffered from dementia, or prolonged illness or ipotensi the marriage law also makruh.
Thus the definition of marriage and the Law of Marriage in Islam may be useful for all of us in this world and in the hereafter. Amen.